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Thursday, September 30, 2010

getting rid of stuff

For the last month or so I have been getting rid of one thing each day. Some days it's more than one thing. These bags are the latest collection ready to give to the thrift store. Even before this "one a day" program I regularly filled bags of unwanted/unused clothes and housewares to donate (when you have kids you are always clearing out the old as new things take their place). Getting ready for home exchanges is big motivation and certainly we can't have bulging closets when we do VRBO. Besides, it just feels good to pare down.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

thinking ahead to Spring

Yesterday I bought dozens of white tulips to plant right at the edge of the street. Now they're in the refrigerator to chill for a couple of months.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Borrow this book!

Today I found a book at the library by one of my favorite interior design authors, Stafford Cliff, and I am thrilled! It is called 1000 Home Ideas and like his earlier The Way We Live, this book has hundreds of gorgeous photos, organized in subject areas such as "Openings and Closings" (doors and transitions), "Shelf Life" and "Stylish Storage" I've shown a page from "Steps and Bannisters" here. The "Walls of Wonder" section shows displays of things people collect and/or use every day such as workboots, cutting boards, wooden kitchen utensils. Believe me, these are NOT sterile Pottery Barn interiors!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

H&M Home World Premiere!

When we were Stockholm one of the first places I went to on the big shopping street is the new H&M home store. It's the first and only one anywhere so far! It is on the second floor of one of the (many) H&Ms in Stockholm. There are no stacks of merchandise from which you serve yourself. Instead you take a little refrigerator-type magnet that has the picture of the item you want and take it to the register. Then a staff person gets you the item (I didn't see them do this because I didn't buy anything). Interesting how that will work out. The displays gave me the feeling of being in a museum, gazing at beautifully lighted and cleverly mounted exhibits.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

more Sweden

The Swedes love lingonberries and the sweet-tart preserved berries are served frequently (and always with meatballs). I brought back this jar of jelly, so good this morning, spread on toast.

Friday, September 10, 2010

more Swedish style: outlets and switches

Here you see some electrical work in our Stockholm apartment. Why did I take these photos?? Because here is proof that it is entirely possible to add switches/outlets to an old house without ripping into the walls! I have always wanted another lamp in our bedroom but the outlets are already maxed out. It doesn't bother me to see the wires running along the trim...so add this project to list!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Swedish style

We did a home exchange in Stockholm recently and how beautiful was this heating stove in the living room. Beautiful glossy white tiles, in a room bright with light and white paint, I came home inspired...and am painting the dining room walls white, no more "peanut shell" which the walls have been for years Today I bought a can of Benjamin Moore "White Dove" in pearl finish, a step up in glossiness from the eggshell I had been using. Will see!